103 Acupuncture Email Newsletter Topics - For those days when you just don't know what to write, I've got you covered. Never struggle to find something to share with your patients in your monthly newsletter again! www.ModernAcu.comHalloo! We’ve arrived at the fifth and final post in the Newsletter Series – a group of posts dedicated to the importance of newsletter marketing for your acupuncture practice.

Here’s where we’ve been so far:


Some days, my brain turns off.

It says, “Nope, I’m all done. No more ideas are coming out of here. Please come back tomorrow. Or never.”

Those days are usually the ones where I have to write something, study something, or otherwise use my now sleeping brain. Seriously, brain. Give a girl a break.

Ever feel like that? When I was in private practice, those days ALWAYS seemed to happen when I’d been putting off writing my monthly newsletter. I would get terrible writer’s block and wonder WHAT THE HECK am I going to write about this month? Can I write about knee pain AGAIN? (*Drops head onto desk*) How will I even get started?

Well, here are 103 (!) acupuncture newsletter article topics to get you writing again.

The  idea of this list is to provide you with starter ideas for writing fantastic articles. See which ideas inspire you to get writing!

*Remember to write articles about things you like to treat, because people are going to ask to be treated for the topics you’ve written about in your newsletter. I didn’t treat infertility, so I never wrote about it in my newsletter because I didn’t want patients to expect that that was something I was comfortable treating. Just a thought before you get started.

103 Acupuncture Newsletter Article Topics:

Here’s an outline of the topics. Click to jump down to a topic, and click the little up arrow (^) to return to this list.

Acupuncture for Pain Conditions: ^

1.  Knee pain

2.  Back pain

3.  Neck pain

4.  Carpal tunnel

5.  Plantar fasciitis

6.  Osteoarthritis

7.  Rheumatoid arthritis

8.  Fibromyalgia

Acupuncture for Infertility and Pregnancy: ^

9.  Acupuncture for infertility – How does it work? What to expect? How many treatments usually?

10.  Interview a successful infertility patient with photos of the family. (Only with their written permission, of course)

11.  Is acupuncture safe during pregnancy?

12.  Moxa for breach babies

13.  Other natural methods to prepare the body for fertility treatments or to try to get pregnant (diet, etc.)

Car Accidents and/or Worker’s Compensation Acupuncture: ^

14.  Acupuncture after car accidents – how soon, how often, whether you take no-fault, etc.

15.  Acupuncture’s effectiveness for specific conditions due to car accidents, such as neck pain, whiplash, etc.

16.  Article on whether you accept Worker’s Compensation insurance.

Demystifying Acupuncture: ^

17.  Why does your acupuncturist look at your tongue?

18.  Why does your acupuncturist take your pulse with three fingers per side?

19.  Why does your acupuncturist ask so many questions that may seem unrelated to your symptoms?

Acupuncture for Kids: ^

20.  Is acupuncture safe for children?

21.  At what age can children get acupuncture?

22.  Is herbal medicine safe for children?

23.  For which conditions might children take herbs?

24.  Acupuncture for children – ADHD

25.     – Sports injuries

26.     – Childhood headaches

27.     – Ear infections

28.  Natural remedies for ear infections

Cosmetic Acupuncture: ^

29.  Self-acupressure and facial massage for radiant skin – Why it works, how to do it

30.  What is Cosmetic Acupuncture or Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture? How does it work, who’s a good candidate?

31.  What to eat for beautiful skin

32.  Gua Sha for radiant skin

Fatigue/Poor Sleep: ^

33.  Self-acupressure for low energy

34.  Acupuncture for adrenal fatigue

35.  Boost your energy with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine

36.  Improve your sleep with acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine

Acupuncture and Sports Injuries/Performance: ^

37.  Acupuncture for running injuries

38.  How acupuncture can improve your golf or tennis game (Golfer’s or tennis elbow)

39.  Acupuncture for prevention of sports injuries

40.  Acupuncture for speeding recovery from sports injury

41.  Feature a famous athletes who uses/has used acupuncture or cupping:

A.  Vincenzo Nibali, 2014 Tour de France winner: http://blogs.wsj.com/dailyfix/2014/07/27/nibalis-secret-to-a-tour-de-france-win-acupuncture/

B.  Men’s Journal article on NFL athletes using acupuncture: http://www.mensjournal.com/magazine/big-men-little-needles-acupuncture-in-the-nfl-20130130 (New York Jets Tony Richardson)

C. DeMarcus Ware, Denver Broncos NFL athlete, uses cupping (with pretty impressive pictures): http://blogs.denverpost.com/broncos/2014/07/18/demarcus-ware-shares-cupping-technique/28195/

Chinese Herbal Medicine: ^

42.  What is Chinese herbal medicine? What is it used for? How can it help your patients? Who can it help? How are herbs taken?

43.  Chinese herbal medicine for hair loss or thinning

44.  Topical and/or internal herbal medicine for sports injuries such as strains, sprains, bruises

Addictions/Smoking Cessation ^

45.  Acupuncture for addictions – Smoking and otherwise

46.  What is auricular acupuncture?

47.  How many treatments for smoking cessation acupuncture? How often? What to expect?

48.  Other tips for quitting smoking

Topics by Season: ^

In Spring, or as Spring approaches:

49.  How to reduce spring time allergies

50.  How to stay healthy in spring time

51.  Tips for improving your immune system – Diet, exercise, hydration, sleep, vitamins, herbs, acupuncture, etc.

52.  What causes allergies?

53.  Chinese dietary recommendations for spring time

In Summer, or as Summer approaches:

54.  Cooling foods to eat in summer (watermelon, etc.) and other Chinese dietary recommendations for Summer

55. How to avoid those annoying summer colds

In Autumn, or as Autumn approaches: 

56.  Back to school and preventing illness as the seasons change, Chinese medicine style

57.  Chinese medicinal uses for ginger tea and how to make it

In Winter, or as Winter approaches:

58.  How to prevent arthritis pain from worsening as cold weather approaches

59.  What is moxa and how can it help my arthritis pain or other pain that is worsened by cold, damp weather?

60.  Plagued by cold hands and feet? How acupuncture and herbs can help.

61.  How to cook for winter according to Chinese dietary therapy – Roasting, root vegetables, warming foods and spices, etc.

Moxa: ^

62.  What is moxa? What it is used for? How does it work?

63.  Moxa for knee pain

64.  Moxa for digestive conditions

65.  Moxa for interstitial cystitis (IC)

Miscellaneous: ^

66.  Acupuncture for stroke recovery

67.  Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for diabetes

68.  Healthy recipes that use Chinese herbal medicine – Ginger, mint, etc.

69.  What is Seasonal Affect Disorder (SAD) and how can acupuncture help?

70.  Acupuncture for the treatment of scar tissue

71.  How acupuncture can help you lose weight

72.  Tips for healthy weight loss

73.  Healthy tips for managing stress

74.  What are Qi Gong and Tai Ji? What are they used for? How can they help your patients?

75.  Acupuncture for digestive conditions – IBS, Crohn’s disease, ulcers, acid reflux, etc.

Events: ^

76.  Acupuncture Day: October 24th, 2014http://www.AOMday.org

77.  Events in your office – Open houses, community acupuncture nights, acupuncture or other wellness lectures, open office hours for free consultations, canned food drive collection. etc. 

78.  Anniversaries in your office – 1 year, 5 years, 10 years, etc. Perhaps a thank you to patients for their continued support.

Announcements: ^

79.  Special offers for your office – Bring three canned goods and get a free mini foot or facial massage, or 10 minutes of extra Tui na, etc.

80.  Announcements about your office – Welcoming new staff members, welcoming new wellness practitioners, announcing new affiliations (like with a hospital or chiropractor) or new office locations, moving announcements

81.  Features – Interviews with wellness practitioners in your office or ones you recommend/refer to. Be sure to ask them to feature you in an interview in their newsletter or website or FB page.

82.  Announcements for other businesses that you support – For example, a Yoga Studio or Chiropractor’s office that you refer to frequently, to announce a special event they have planned that might interest your patients.

83.  Polls – Create polls for free with Wufoo. For example, ask what people want to learn about in the next article or see new in your office.

Research articles to Write About: ^

If you find a great research article about something you like to treat, summarizing it in plain human speak makes for a great article for your acupuncture newsletter.

Research articles are a trusted resource among the general public.  If something is proven by research to be effective, people are more likely to pay attention to it and give it a try.

Don’t underestimate the power of discussing research articles to convert prospective patients into patients. The trick is to restate the findings of the article clearly and in very simple language.

84.  German Acupuncture (GERAC) trials for back pain

Haake M1, Müller HH, Schade-Brittinger C, Basler HD, Schäfer H, Maier C, Endres HG, Trampisch HJ, Molsberger A. German Acupuncture Trials (GERAC) for chronic low back pain: randomized, multicenter, blinded, parallel-group trial with 3 groups. Arch Intern Med. 2007 Sep 24;167(17):1892-8.

85.  Research on acupuncture’s effectiveness in increasing births in women undergoing in vitro fertilization (IVF)

Manheimer E, Zhang G, Udoff L, Haramati A, Langenberg P, Berman BM, Bouter LM. Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ. 2008 Mar 8;336(7643):545-9. doi: 10.1136/bmj.39471.430451.BE. Epub 2008 Feb 7.

86.  Research of acupuncture and fMRI (Functional MRI)

Acupuncture Today article summary of:

Choi KE, Gizewski E, Rampp T, Dobos G, Forsting M, Musial F. Radiological Society of North America. “Acupuncture changes brain’s perception and processing of pain, researchers find.” ScienceDaily 30 November 2010. 28 December 2010 .

87.  Research on meditation for boosting immunity

Infante JR, Peran F, Rayo JI, Serrano J, Domínguez ML, Garcia L, Duran C, Roldan ALevels of immune cells in transcendental meditation practitioners. Int J Yoga. 2014 Jul;7(2):147-51. doi: 10.4103/0973-6131.133899.

88.  Acupuncture increases oxygenation of trapezius muscle

Cagnie B, Barbe T, De Ridder E, Van Oosterwijck J, Cools A, Danneels L. The influence of dry needling of the trapezius muscle on muscle blood flow and oxygenationJournal of Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2012 Nov-Dec;35(9):685-91.

89.  Acupuncture Reduces Blood Pressure up to 40%

Acupuncture Today article summary.

90.  Moxibustion for treating menopausal hot flashes: a randomized clinical trial

Park JE, Lee MS, Jung S, Kim A, Kang K, Choi J, Park J, Choi SM. Moxibustion for treating menopausal hot flashes: a randomized clinical trial. Menopause. 2009 Jul-Aug;16(4):660-5.

91.  Acupuncture Speeds Healing in Male Basketball Athletes

Lin ZP, Lan LW, He TY, Lin SP, Lin JG, Jang TR, Ho TJ. Effects of acupuncture stimulation on recovery ability of male elite basketball athletes. Am J Chin Med. 2009;37(3):471-81.

Article Topics by Month: ^

From Healthline.com – check out the Healthline website here for more monthly and weekly health awareness topics.

92.  January: Thyroid Awareness Month

93.  February: American Heart Month

94.  March: National Colorectal Cancer Awareness month and National Sleep Awareness Week

95.  April: Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Month

96.  May: Arthritis Awareness Month, National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

97. June: Scoliosis Awareness Month and Hernia Awareness Month

98.  July: Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

99.  August: National Immunization Awareness Month

100.  September: National Traumatic Brain Injury Awareness Month and National Yoga Awareness Month

101.  October: Breast Cancer Awareness Month

102.  November: American Diabetes Month, GERD Awareness Week (Thanksgiving Week), Great American Smokeout (third Thursday of November)

103.  December: World AIDS Day

Another great idea that I really recommend is to sign up for the monthly newsletters of other practitioners, to see what they write about and get inspired to write something of your own.

Try signing up for not only acupuncturists’ newsletters, but chiropractors and other wellness practitioners as well.

A few suggestions:

  • Visit AcupunctureToday.com to see what they’re writing about. I was often inspired by recent research they’re covering and like to try to write about that research in my newsletter.
  • Sign up for Qi Mail, the acupuncture newsletter for patients, to get ideas on what to write about, or visit http://www.acufinder.com to see what articles they’re discussing on their Home Page for inspiration.
  • Check out the many brief, educational blog posts on the amazing AcuTake Blog.

How do you decide what to write about in each of your acupuncture newsletters? What inspires you? Let us know in the comments below!